Skunk Removal Service
Skunks are infamous for their odor. It’s so powerful that it sends whoever it sprays a clear message: Back off. These days people think skunks are cute, even to the point of removing their stink gland and keeping them as pets. However, wild skunks can be very dangerous. Everyone knows about the smell, but the if the chemical gets into the eyes of you, your family, or your pets, it can cause severe discomfort and pain. Skunks also carry diseases, such as rabies, mange, and distemper. Their coloring is famous and easy to recognize, so if you see a skunk, stay clear of it. Don’t let it get near your children or pets because one bite can cause infections and the transmission of diseases.
For homes, common entry points are breezeways, small gaps around A/C tubing, and unsealed garage doors. It’s very important that you work to protect these areas so that you do not incur an infestation. To learn more about skunk removal please watch this video from our specialists at Houston Texas Rodent Removal.